Have you ever wondered about those people in life who don’t play by the rules? Maybe it was the person who looked over your shoulder in that exam. The person who got the job instead of you because they lied on their application or the lovely man on the phone who said he was from the bank and ended up taking all your money.

We have a name for these people. We call them cheats—people who cheat the system, largescale, and social media cheats. We are fascinated by them. We read about them on paper. Or watch news stories about them on TV. We marvel at their rise and take a weird pleasure in their fall. But do we ever ask what makes these cheats actually do the terrible things they do? What makes them cheat?

Host by Alzo Slade, ‘Cheat!’ tells the stories of the biggest scandals in contemporary history and the flawed protagonists at their heart.
