Jazz Backstory Podcast

In the podcast series, Jazz Backstory, the Fillius Jazz Archive holds an extensive collection of interviews with jazz musicians, arrangers, writers, and producers at Hamilton College (https://www.hamilton.edu/campuslife/arts-at-hamilton/jazzarchive). Founded in 1995 and dedicated to Milton F. Fillius, Jr. ’44 and Nelma “Nikki” Nenneau Fillius in 2013, the Fillius Jazz Archive holds more than 440 videotape interviews with jazz musicians, arrangers, writers, and producers. A wide range of interviews is included in this collection, with performers dating back to the 1920s as well as soloists and band leaders.
An interview excerpt from a jazz-infused artist will be featured in each episode of Jazz Backstory, focusing on creativity-related topics. Original music and commentary from the host set the tone; both educational and swinging, as famous and unsung artists tell their tales in their jazz-infused vocabulary.



Explore the Unseen Heroes and Villains of Easter Through the Podcast “In The Characters of Easter” with Dan Darling

Introduction Easter is a time of reflection, remembrance, and celebration. The podcast The Characters of Easter, hosted by Dan Darling, takes listeners on an eye-opening journey. It explores these unexpected figures and their roles in the events of Christ’s death and resurrection. Based on his book, The Characters of Easter: The Villains, Heroes, Cowards, and […]

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Amy Jane Keating Podcast: Follow Your Dreams Now

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Starting a Riot Podcast

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